3 Simple Keys To Make Your Website Convert More

Converting visitors to repeat customers takes a lot more than simply offering a good product at a great price or filling your page with celebrity testimonials.

Let’s first discuss the three most essential web site elements for improving any type of conversion. Here are some tips for making sure your web site looks and functions in ways that will make your conversion efforts more effective.  Your site must be:


1. Professional Looking, Eye-Catching and Well-Written

• Spend a few extra dollars on a quality web and/or graphic designer. Your conversion rates will increase dramatically if your site is well-designed. They’ll view you as “the real deal” – someone who is confident, competent, experienced, capable and authentic.

• Add “real company” elements, such as: – Telephone numbers – Physical Address – Photographs – Your Logo – The ability to view or pay bills online (if applicable) – Logos of “respected” consumer groups or companies like PayPal, ScanAlert, VeriSign, etc.

• Make sure your sales letter copy is compelling, well-written and error-free

2. Uncomplicated and Easy Usability

• Keep your navigation simple and make sure your visitors understand exactly what to do, using elements such as: 1) A strong call to action 2) Direct links to other pages or information  3) Easily located opt-In boxes – sales buttons
Use the minimum number of pages necessary to provide the information your visitors want to know… nothing more. Don’t add layers to your site just because you can.

3. Warm and Welcoming

• Remember, your website is like your home. Welcome your guests with open arms and offer to “lighten their load” by giving them something of value. • Make sure you understand that “how” you say things is as important as “what” you say.