How I Improved My Skills Quickly (a musical story)

Over the last 12 years I have had many talented partners (Jay Levinson-Guerrilla Marketing, Michael Port-Product Factory, Craig Valentine – World Class Speaking and others). In each of these relationships I was inspired to be more creative and productive than would have been on my own

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What is Marketing?

Every Contact is Marketing - Mastering Online Marketing

Every contact with the public is marketing. This simple but essential piece of wisdom was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson back in 1984 in the first Guerrilla Marketing book.     Key Points: Marketing is EVERYTHING you do to promote your business. It begins the moment you visualize your business and continues up to, and […]

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The Secret To Successful Marketing

Is there a hidden secret to successful marketing? It seems many entrepreneurs are on a never-ending quest for that one magic formula that will take all the effort out of marketing and attract an endless stream of customers forever.

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