Keep It Simple – Now More Than Ever

I don’t need to tell you this…  People are overloaded with information these days and as a result they are tuning out faster than ever.

This means to make an impact on your audience you need to keep your message relevant, concise and impactful. 

This 2 minute video clip from my Mastering Online Marketing Tour with Entrepreneur Magazine will show you how two of the biggest companies in the world have done this beautifully.


Your Coaching Moment:

Take a few minutes right now and write down how can you make your messages more relevant, concise and impactful.

For example:  As a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach you will brand your business with the Best Selling Marketing Series in History and develop a new income stream coaching business owners how to get new customers even on a very tight budget. 

Notice the benefits:

1. Get instant credibility in a cluttered marketplace by leveraging an International brand
2. Develop a new income stream 
3. Help others get new customers
4. Works even on a tight budget

Now it’s your turn.  Focus on benefits (the results they will attain) and keep it relevant, concise and impactful.

Once you craft these messages you will use them in many ways: email and website copy, elevator pitches, videos etc.  Test them out with others- it will be well worth your time!